GTA 5 Simple Trainer Mod 2022
Colorful options normal to any coach, the world's simplest speedometer, either in KM/ H or MP/ H or both, 60 Teleporting options that can be customized using thetrainerv.ini, and 12 vehicle begetting options assigned to hotkeys, which also can be customized usingtrainer.ini, all other auto models can be spawned by using the menu. you can force a dereliction station in each vehicle you enter, or when using the mobile radio, both configurable in game and using thetrainer.ini You can change your player model using the menu.
It also features time and rainfall options, and a bunch of auto options Also any predefined teleport niche can be customized in game, overwriting the predefined values

Screen Shoots

The coach also includes sentry/ ped begetting, any model can be spawned, any armament can be given, and defaults intrainer.ini, these can also be altered using the sentry menu in the game. In fresh to guards, also motorists, combat peds and peds and motorists that attack the player can be spawned. Normal peds can be given an aggregate of ten tasks. You can assign the same tasks to the last spawned ped. You can set the guards to follow you in an auto. You can also elect a specific ped and do stuff on the named ped.
The coach includes the mobile radio, which works outside of the auto, all features that are available with the normal radio, also work with the mobile radio.
Trainer.ini contains the defaults section, where you can set certain settings to be enabled on game launch.
further information and installation instructions are available in ReadMe.
How To Use
F3 to display the menu, scroll through the options on a particular menu by using either num 8 for up or num 2 for down, if an option is at the end of a particular menu, you can use num 8 to go there quickly. Activate a submenu or option by pressing num 5, and scroll through submenu pages by using either num 4 or num 6, (again to quickly go to the last submenu page while being on the first use num 4). Go back to the main menu by pressing num 0, and cancel the menu by pressing backspace. Activation of options uses num 5.
To change the color of the menu, the highlighting color, and the menu font, go to set menu colors/fonts on the options menu, second page, the normal menu text color, the highlighting