Serious Sam HD The First Encounter Download
Has It Really been eight years since we first locked, loaded, and lobbed bullets around an alternate version of ancient Egypt thereupon most stern-browed of game heroes, Serious Sam? Ah, there was Serious Sam 2 a couple of years ago, but that did not have the impact because the original, despite being more ambitious.
Well, it had been ambitious only in a geographical sense, because the particular gameplay was precisely the same. then it's in Serious Sam HD, where Croteam has spent an extended time spitting on and vigorously polishing their old game, such a lot order that they created a replacement engine.
With the maximum amount of imagination as went into the choice to only make the sport just like the first in virtually every way, the new engine has been dubbed the intense Engine 3.0. It does indeed look pretty good. for a few reasons, it doesn't seem as radically beautiful as some were saying it had been getting to be, but it's pretty decent, considering the dimensions and scope of the amount and therefore the number of enemies zipping about the place. Of course, it isn't Crysis, but, a bit like with the first, sheer beauty has been sacrificed for playability.

But, for $20 approximately, is simply this graphical boost worthwhile once you could just play the first and obtain the precise same gaming experience? Probably not, sadly. it is a little overpriced (at least on Steam, as other places do the sport cheaper) for what it's - an old game was given a replacement lick of paint - and even with the addition of Achievements and every one of the bonuses being on Steam brings with it, it still essentially boils right down to being an upscale nostalgic novelty. But shave $12 off the worth and we'd be laughing.
Co-op remains great fun though and therefore the game remains very challenging as you build up the problem. You'll actually need a microphone to urge the foremost out of it because the text chat "facility" leaves nearly everything to be desired.
Anyway, as far as introducing new players to the old-fashioned, constant blasting sort of shooter that Serious Sam is probably the embodiment of, it is the best place to start out. it's good and still has each important fun factor present to form playing it a blast. except for older players, and veterans of the series, it'd not be worth spending nearly $22, when there are numerous other important games either out or on the horizon.

CPU: Intel Pentium 4 3+ Ghz or AMD Athlon64 3500+
RAM: 1 GB for Windows XP or 2 GB for Windows Vista.
OS: Windows XP w/SP1 or newer.
VIDEO CARD: nVidia GeForce 7600, ATI Radeon X1600.
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Price: Free
Size: 1.19 GB
Password: Fully Update Games